
庄严圣洁之物 Sacred And Holy Objects

发布时间:2023-09-08 10:17:07作者:大悲讲解


  When I stayed in Korngaan, there was a family of 4 people, they built a house and bought 2 amulets from another province, each 450 baht, together 900, one for grandpa and one for the son in law. In those days 900 baht was a lot of money. They also bought 2 medalions for protection. But the people living in the house were continuously sick. Even inviting monks to chant didn't help.


  As soon as they heard that I was staying at the monastery nearby, they invited me to chant as I was a meditation monk. At that time, there was an old abbot there who ordained there and built the monastery, he wanted to go with me but I told him that 2 monks is not auspicious, only one monk should go : if he'd go, I wouldn't go. So he ended up not going because he wasn't invited. I went alone, they picked me up with a car to go to their home. Having arrived I asked : 'How long ago was this house built ?'. They said 2-3 years ago and the people living in it, that is, the daughter, the son in law and the wife were sick all the time. Grandpa is the only one healthy. I asked why. They answered that it was a wicked house, there's a ghost in it. I inquired further what they believed in. They said they believed in the Buddha and Dhamma .


  Then I asked to see the Buddha images they'd bought. They fetched the medalions and amulets for me to see. I asked : 'Can you give them a bath ?'. They informed me they bathe them every year. So I told them to do it. They got out a basin of water to be blessed. I looked at my watch and dumped the medalions and amulets in the water. They soaked for an hour while engaging them in chitchat until they forgot. So I spoke up : 'We've forgotten the Buddhas, they have died !'. They had a shock because they thought they had really drowned. I asked them : 'When you dive in the water, do you breathe ?'. They said they couldn't. I pointed out that a Buddha also dies when He can't breathe .



  After that, I taught them not to be foolish : Amulets and Buddha images are neither sacred nor holy, they cannot protect people in any way, rather they are people who look after them. They were submerged in the water for over an hour and they couldn't surface at all ! They can't even do that much, and how are they going to help people ? They understood immediately and offered the images to me. I didn't accept them, I would have thrown there away. I told them to sell them back to the owner or somebody who wants them. At least, you get some money which you can use to look after illnesses.


  When they understood all this, I made holy water, having them recite NAMO 3 times and the 3 refuges: BUDDHAM SARANAM GACHAMI etc., translated. Then I explained that YO CHAKKHUMA MOHAMALAPAKADDHO means The Venerable One has the eye of wisdom. The eye of wisdom isn't the physical eye, but it is the eye in the mind, there is wisdom to eliminate the stain of delusion, Moha. This is what can help. Nothing can help you except this wisdom. SAMANGVA BUDDHO SUGATO means one who has gone well, both coming and going well. Not going to get drunk, gamble or visit nightclubs. You should understand it like this.

  当他们了解之后,我准备了净水,要他们诵3遍赞佛偈和三皈依,并翻译给他们听,然后我解释说:「"Yo Chakkhuma Mohamalapakaddho"是世尊有慧眼的意思,慧眼不是肉眼而是心眼,能流露智慧消除愚痴烦恼(Moha),这才是真正对你有帮助的,除了智慧没有任何其它东西可以帮助你。"SAMANGVA BUDDHO SUGATO"是说佛陀是善逝者,善来及善去,也就是不喝酒、赌博或到夜店去,你必须这样理解。」

  Having finished that, I sprinkled the holy water on them until they were all dripping. Then had them mop the floor with the water. I gave them some encouragement saying : 'Rub it well, rub it so that the ghost disappears today !'. Finished rubbing the floor, they showed me human bones, downstairs. I assured them : 'It's not sacred at all, when you burn it, it'll disintegrate, if it was holy, it shouldn't disappear on being burnedt'.


  Well, their illnesses disappeared. Hm, people don't understand, their minds are weak and they don't have a refuge, they rely on ghosts, angels etc......




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