
果报:心地清净 The Result : Purity Of The Mind

发布时间:2023-11-24 09:36:06作者:大悲讲解

  1-3-2. THE RESULT : PURITY OF THE MIND 果报:心地清净

  Now, I'd like to talk about results. Just imagine, if doctor Jivaka was with us here today, and volunteered to be a delegate, he would certainly get the highest marks. This could be taken to be a result of doing good. Another thing is, that we could compare doctor Jivaka's wafting goodness with an opening flower ; whoever sees it feels refreshed and admires it. Or we could compare him with gold or a diamond that may have other minerals attached to it but, the gold or the diamond still maintains its 100% purity. This refers to the value or fruit of working according to one's duty. Caring for the sick, even when nobody sees it, maintains its purity of the mind and its goodness, fully.


  So all of you officers, whether you are policemen or nurses in the hospital, when we do our duties properly, the results will follow. Don't want anything or expect any results. When we work according to our duties we are one person who practices straight and respects the regulations and oneself. Therefore our Buddha teaches that doing good is good and doing bad is bad. That's what He said. We, officers and government officials, especially policemen should look after virtue in practicing our duties : wrong is wrong and right is right. Those of you who are doctors and nurses have to look after virtue by following your duties. When everybody follows their duties, the work will prosper in all its aspects, no matter what angle, it will progress.


  My vision is that the first cause for the arising of results is the firm determination to work as good as possible, with kindness and generosity, using one's knowledge and brains fully, and to work with a Dhamma-mind. When it's like this, those who are given service will be impressed, the hospital and doctors will be famous and this fame will spread in all directions. Or at least, on the level of the individual, it will go from mouth to mouth among villagers that that is a good doctor this is a good nurse. This is the result that you will recieve. I want to emphasize all sides to be sincere in your duties.


  Right here, I want to make reference to the Buddha ; the Buddha used to teach people to work honestly, not to work corruptly. Uprightness is something white, clean and bright and it brings peace, that is, brightness in the midst of the mind. If we have a dirty mind, defiled with stains, the mind is rotten and stinks.


  Instead of the word result, we might use the word merit, and it is real merit too. The real fruit or merit lies in our mind ; it is the cleanliness, brightness and peace of the mind. We have all studied Buddhism to some extend but contrariwise, we're not interested in the Buddha's teachings, because we tend to be interested in external things. But we still claim to be one who is a Buddhist and practices according to the teachings of the Buddha. Looking at it another way : We are the one person that practices Buddhism. Please reflect on what I've said and see which side you belong to. If we're really interested in the teachings of Buddhism, even if we're only a few, we will make the world prosper. It's these few people that can revive the Dhamma in people's minds.



  The first step of the method to do this is for everybody to study and practice their duties very well. If we can do this, it will be a warning to people who are going wrong, in itself. It won't encourage harm or degeneration. When we are confident in ourselves we could warn others little by little. This is because, if we don't warn people, they will become rotten and stink. And it will be a cause for damage to the public in an inappropriate way: As in the old saying : If one doesn't quickly remove a single rotting fish from a fish-container, all of the fish will become spoilt. The Buddha's teachings play an important role in society, from this angle; they protect society from becoming rotten and stink. Therefore it is highly appropriate for us to grasp the teachings of the Buddha. I am one who dares to guarantee the Buddha's teachings.


  When we are someone without suffering, wherever we go, we don't have suffering but if we ourselves have suffering, how can we help anybody, other than increasing their suffering even more ?




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